Spice Market Tour

Spice Market Spice Market Spice Market Spice Market Spice market Spice Market Spice Market

The Lalbaug area is the heart of the textile mill industry which flourished in Mumbai from the mid-1800’s to the late 1900’s. This walk provides a cultural introduction to the area and its people. We will explore the religious, economic, political and social fabric of this multicultural area which is home to Marathi-speaking Hindus as well as small communities of Parsis and Muslims.

Apart from a colourful spice market, there is a bustling vegetable market here, a farsan (fried snack) market called ChivdaGalli, and a busy fish market. Wedding and religious paraphranelia, shops selling daily needs items, kitchen utensils and provisions, all make for an interesting introduction to local cuisine and culture.

Tour Time: 3hrs

When: All days of the week, except Mondays and Wednesdays